Saturday, February 6, 2010

hola amigas

Hi friends, so apparently, I'm really bad at posting on this thing. But I always enjoy reading it:). Maybe I'm bad at posting b/c I really don't have any new updates. Our excitement for the past couple weeks is that we're redoing part of our kitchen. we're getting new counter tops, a new sink, new faucet, and a dishwasher. Our dishwasher doesn't clean anymore and we knew that we wanted new counters before we even moved in. So it's costly, but we're getting a good tax refund. It's kinda fun, but still not super exciting. Voss helped pick out our counter color last night. We went and saw Dear John- great book, not so great of a movie. I'd definitely wait until you can rent it. The Notebook was way better. in fact, the book is better than the movie too. I'm visiting JRO in April. I'm so excited. I have a countdown on one of my spreadsheets @ work (i'm a supernerd). I can't wait!

I'm getting excited about seeing you guys all in July again. This time I'll have more time to hang out with you guys. I know it's early, but Jennys, do you have any ideas when you're planning on leaving? There's a midnight bike ride thing the night after Voss's wedding that we're looking into, but if anyone was still in town, I would obviously, without a doubt, rather be with you guys, unless you wanted to join in.... I'm taking the thursday before her wedding off, assuming that you guys will be in or arriving that day. So if you could let me know when you know, that'd be great. JVeld- I think you guys should stay in a hotel right by our condo. that way we can all hang out by us and it's nice and close and we can ride places together if we need to, etc. I'd love to let you all stay with us, but i think i already told 2 people they could stay and I'm not sure how many more we can house. But if you guys want to sleep on floors, then you're all welcome to come:)

I went shopping @ Eddie Bauer this week (my new favorite store) and they had a supersale- I got 2 sweaters for $14 each and a pair of pants for $14! each was normally $60. I love supersales like that.

like i said, nothing too exciting over here. JVeld, I'd love to see more pics of sam. she's just so cute. Roomie- it was a blast seeing you the past 2 days, and JRO- hope all is well and I'm counting down. Love ya and miss you all. ~BECCA

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