Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Hey Girls--

Just letting you know that I got laid off from my job yesterday. It was the one I worked 24 hrs a week at. I've been expecting it for awhile but it still did sting a little knowing I had to lay off my daycare person etc. But...now I get to spend the summer taking care of my little girl! I'm very excited about that.

Please pray this huge change goes okay for us!

sorry this is brief--but I can talk more about it in a week and half in PERSON! YAY!!!!

love you all!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

SO close...

Hey girls!! I can't wait to see all of you!! Soon and VERY soon!! Bec--how are you feeling??

Monday, June 15, 2009

Bean bag tourney!

So Dustin built us some really nice bean bag games (made one for my sister). We're having a bean bag tourney on Friday night.

Wanna come?? :-D

CANNOT wait to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

t minus 25

hey girls...

yup, now i'm starting to get a little nervous. brie got married this past saturday and everyone was telling me that I'm next now. So that made it hit me. before then i was always after brie and figured that i was fine until after her wedding, but it's all good. now it's just little details. we worked on our playlist/do not playlsit for the dj today. so if anyone has any requests let me know in the next 2 days here. i'm ready for my vacation that's for sure. I'm excited to see everyone. JRO- i know you're coming in wednesday night, and JVeld- you're coming in on Thursday sometime b4 rehearsal, right? Just wonderin who's going to be around when. I don't know if I told you guys this or not, but i have hair appts for all of you b/w 8 and 10 on friday morning. i don't remember who is when, but i'll let you know. let me know if anyone wants anything different. any comments, questions, suggestions, let me know:)

I'm excited to see you all sooo sooooon.

Monday, June 1, 2009

one month!!!

Girls!!! I am sooo excited! Only one more month and we'll all be together again!

Bec--getting nervous???

Miss you all!