Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hello my beautiful friends!!

I hope you are all doing well. It was good seeing Becca and Erin over Christmas break, but we missed you Jenny :( The group wasn't complete without you.

Just thought I would update you on some things since I haven't written in a while. My grad classes are up and running. I'm taking 11 units, still seeing clients, and teaching full time so the chaos continues...
But lately God has been opening up doors for me to start a new ministry at my church. It is something that is SO close to my heart and the main reason I entered into Marriage and Family Therapy: Divorce care for children of divorce. I have been talking with the pastor who runs the divorce recovery groups and sent him a vision statement last week and in all honesty IT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE!! I put so much of myself into the letter that will eventually be sent to the other leaders of the church. But I am learning to be transparent with everyone...especially my church because up to now, not many people know that part of my life. So I just ask for your prayers as this ministry is birthed...if it happens. It is so scary because I am completely trusting God to do the work, but I want to control it. Funny how that works :)

Also, I meet with my program director on Tuesday to talk with her to see if it would be possible for me to graduate this May and finish my classes this summer. I will only have one class that I need to take in the fall and I really don't want to go back for one-eight week class when I could do it as an independent study this please pray for that as well.

I really miss you girls. I think about you all so much and hope you are doing well. Its crazy for me to think that we were actually all in one place at one time since we are all dispersed throughout the country :( Those were the days...when all I had to do was walk down the hall to find you.

Love you!! JRo :)