Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hi girls. Sorry that it has taken me so long to update you about the date on Tuesday...Becca I saw that you called twice yesterday but I was super busy so I missed your call :(

So it was an alright date. He was really nice and we have a lot in common, but I do not really feel a connection to him. I don't know if its the age difference (he still lives with his parents, and is graduating from undergrad on Saturday) or what it really is but I'm not really interested in him, at least to date. Its hard to explain really. He has a lot of the qualities I look for in a guy, but in all honesty, I have had more of a connection with most of my guy friends than I had with Kyle. I had fun, but I think he could have talked all night, while I was kind of waiting to get back home :)

So overall, it was fun and I am willing to give him another chance, but I think this experience was more for me to be open to the idea of dating.

Anyway, just wanted to keep you girls updated. Hope you are all well!!

Miss you and love you!

Jenny :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, did it go with Kyle?!

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well. JRo that's great that you are done with school for now. I'm sure you have more time now than you know what to do with! I'm finished with AP History (just watching movies :) and softball finished last week. I'm helping with varsity now, but it's definitely not as busy as it was before! Only 2 more weeks of school then exams. I'm definitely ready for summer!

Jenny, how is Sammy doing? The other day I called Olivia (my new niece) must be because I'm anticipating meeting your cute little one soon! haha...

Becca has been mentioning the little details of her wedding to me lately. It really hit me that her wedding is coming up so quickly! I don't know what I'm going to do without my roomie! I'm getting so excited for the wedding, though...I can't wait to see you all and see Becca all dolled up! ;)

Hope you are all doing well!

JRo...get back to us about this boy...I'm very anxious to hear how it went!


Monday, May 18, 2009

just a few more weeks...

hola amigas! how's it going?

Not too much new and exciting over here, just keeping on trucking along trying to get everything done and organized. i had my chicago shower on saturday. it was great. we have most of the stuff we need now. there's still a few things left, but we're extremely gratefulwith how generous people have been. We have most things unpacked now. Tom's parents stayed at the condo this weekend so we had to do some major cleaning and organizing so it was presentable.

I'm incredibly interested in JRO's blind date. i expect an update incredibly soon after the date.

i'm so excited to see you guys! i know JRO is coming in wednesday night. I def foresee some major hanging out in the future..

anyways.... new bachelorette and hills is on soon. So i'll be awaiting an update from JRO shortly:)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hola guapas!!

I finally finished finals and papers for the semester!! It feels SOOO good to know I have 2 weeks off of learning. I'm enjoying it, but it makes me really emotional as well so its good that I can have an emotional breather :)

I should tell you girls that I am going on a blind date on Tuesday. Its with my friend Matt's friend Kyle. He is kinda young (22) but he seems nice. Matt has been working on me all semester and I finally caved in a couple weeks ago. We will see how it is definitely a growing experience for me becuase you girls know how I am :) We can chat more about it after I go out with him.

Anyway, just wanted to keep you posted!! Love you and miss you all!!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hi Girls!

So it's been a long time since I've posted and I thought I would start it up again.
I miss you girls so much! I cannot wait for 50 days! How exciting! Becca, I'm praying that you're not feeling too stressed. I know it's a busy time for you.

Erin--congrats on the new neice. She's adorable! I bet they are one busy family!

Jenny-how is your last week of grad school going?

I have a prayer request. I'm at a crossroads with what to do as for work. It is SOOOO hard for me lately to be leaving Sam. It's just killing me. I'm feeling so overwhelmed at home with working 28 hours plus babysitting my sis's kids, yard work, house work and just wanting to actually sit down and PLAY with Samantha. I don't have time for it all. And I guess worse is, I hate my job right now. They are pushing me into sales and I miss accounting. That's my passion. So I am job shopping and I have an interview tomorrow actually. But what my dillema is too is how much do I work? We really need the money to pay down debt, but what does that mean for hours? It's daunting to interview for a job that wants me to work 25+ hours and then what if in 6 months I just can't do that anymore? I don't want to have to quit another job. I'm looking into possibly doing some data entry from home. That would be ideal to supplement a smaller hour job. But how picky do I get? There just aren't a lot of jobs out there! So anyway, if you could pray for peace for me and just that God would lay a job out there for me, I would really appreciate it. It's so hard to leave Sam and it's 100 times worse when I'm leaving her for a job I hate. It's ripping me apart!

So that's all. :)

I would love to hear from you guys!