Saturday, February 6, 2010

hola amigas

Hi friends, so apparently, I'm really bad at posting on this thing. But I always enjoy reading it:). Maybe I'm bad at posting b/c I really don't have any new updates. Our excitement for the past couple weeks is that we're redoing part of our kitchen. we're getting new counter tops, a new sink, new faucet, and a dishwasher. Our dishwasher doesn't clean anymore and we knew that we wanted new counters before we even moved in. So it's costly, but we're getting a good tax refund. It's kinda fun, but still not super exciting. Voss helped pick out our counter color last night. We went and saw Dear John- great book, not so great of a movie. I'd definitely wait until you can rent it. The Notebook was way better. in fact, the book is better than the movie too. I'm visiting JRO in April. I'm so excited. I have a countdown on one of my spreadsheets @ work (i'm a supernerd). I can't wait!

I'm getting excited about seeing you guys all in July again. This time I'll have more time to hang out with you guys. I know it's early, but Jennys, do you have any ideas when you're planning on leaving? There's a midnight bike ride thing the night after Voss's wedding that we're looking into, but if anyone was still in town, I would obviously, without a doubt, rather be with you guys, unless you wanted to join in.... I'm taking the thursday before her wedding off, assuming that you guys will be in or arriving that day. So if you could let me know when you know, that'd be great. JVeld- I think you guys should stay in a hotel right by our condo. that way we can all hang out by us and it's nice and close and we can ride places together if we need to, etc. I'd love to let you all stay with us, but i think i already told 2 people they could stay and I'm not sure how many more we can house. But if you guys want to sleep on floors, then you're all welcome to come:)

I went shopping @ Eddie Bauer this week (my new favorite store) and they had a supersale- I got 2 sweaters for $14 each and a pair of pants for $14! each was normally $60. I love supersales like that.

like i said, nothing too exciting over here. JVeld, I'd love to see more pics of sam. she's just so cute. Roomie- it was a blast seeing you the past 2 days, and JRO- hope all is well and I'm counting down. Love ya and miss you all. ~BECCA

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hey Everyone!

WOW do I miss you girls! It was so hard to know that you guys were hanging out and I couldn't be there. :-( I hope you girls had fun and Erin I love the bridesmaid dresses! (Becca sent me a picture.) How are the plans coming?

Wow Jen, you have a lot going on! How have things went since you wrote? Have things progressed with that church program? I'm really proud of you for opening up like that and wanting to help others. Not many people do that and you are going to be a bright light in a lot of young kids' lives! I know you'll do great. I'm sure it will be hard but God will give you the strength to keep pressing on. Lean on His shoulders! Did you meet with the advisor about graduating in May? How did that go? Wouldn't that be awesome! I'm crossing my fingers that that went well. Thanks for posting on here and keep us updated. We all care for you and love you very much!

Things are going well here...pretty low key. I know I know, you guys are so busy and I'm bored. :) Funny how that goes uh? And I have a kid! Life is good. We have been tremendously blessed.

I would love to hear from you girls. Love you all!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hello my beautiful friends!!

I hope you are all doing well. It was good seeing Becca and Erin over Christmas break, but we missed you Jenny :( The group wasn't complete without you.

Just thought I would update you on some things since I haven't written in a while. My grad classes are up and running. I'm taking 11 units, still seeing clients, and teaching full time so the chaos continues...
But lately God has been opening up doors for me to start a new ministry at my church. It is something that is SO close to my heart and the main reason I entered into Marriage and Family Therapy: Divorce care for children of divorce. I have been talking with the pastor who runs the divorce recovery groups and sent him a vision statement last week and in all honesty IT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE!! I put so much of myself into the letter that will eventually be sent to the other leaders of the church. But I am learning to be transparent with everyone...especially my church because up to now, not many people know that part of my life. So I just ask for your prayers as this ministry is birthed...if it happens. It is so scary because I am completely trusting God to do the work, but I want to control it. Funny how that works :)

Also, I meet with my program director on Tuesday to talk with her to see if it would be possible for me to graduate this May and finish my classes this summer. I will only have one class that I need to take in the fall and I really don't want to go back for one-eight week class when I could do it as an independent study this please pray for that as well.

I really miss you girls. I think about you all so much and hope you are doing well. Its crazy for me to think that we were actually all in one place at one time since we are all dispersed throughout the country :( Those were the days...when all I had to do was walk down the hall to find you.

Love you!! JRo :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Becca, Happy birthday to you!

I hope you are having a wonderful day Becca!

So...I had you text me your address yesterday because I was out all day shopping with my mom and sister. Well we went to the Mall of America but by the time I found a mailbox I missed the drop off time. So there is a card in the mail but it will be late. Sorry! I'm so bad at that. I'm trying to get better!

I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Jen, did you have fun in Michigan? I bet it was nice to see your family again. I hope it was relaxing for you.

Becca--have you guys figured out how you're going to do family/in-law holidays? Isn't that hard? We go to Dustin's family on Thanksgiving and Easter and Christmas with mine. THat doesn't always work well though because then we don't get to see his extended family over Christmas. I think next year we will be changing some things.

Erin--I hope you're having fun with wedding plans and showing off your fiance :)

Have a great week girls!

Becca--I plan on calling you tonight. I forgot we have bible study at our house tonight so it might be kind of late. But I'll try to call before 10 :) Us old married couples need our sleep. :-)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Girls!!! I MISS YOUUUUU!!!!!

Erin, Becca, are you guys!!!!

Erin, how is wedding planning going? Is Hal excited about it or is he trying to stay out of it?? :) Is your mom having fun planning her only girl's wedding?!?!?!

Becca, how is married life? Seriously, it's been 4 months already. Is it what you expected? Difficult? Easy? How is your job? Are people still getting laid off? I thought of you when they ruled out Chicago for the Olympics.

Jen, how are you doing? Have your clients been showing up? Is it getting any easier? I think about you alot!

Anyway, things are going good here. Having a party for Sam on Saturday. I'm the geeky mom who is REALLY excited for it. haha. I'm excited to let her dive into some cake.

Jen--what is your Christmas plans?

Love you girls! I would love to hear from you!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Quick Update...

Hola guapas.

Just wanted to give you a quick update before my computer dies...

Counseling, teaching, and taking grad classes has made me so emotional to say the least; Especially this week. I leave my house every morning at around 7:30 and don't get back until usually 10-10:30. So I am so exhausted!! I have seen some clients and some of the sessions have gone well, some not so good. Its just a rollercoaster.

God keeps carrying me through but I just ask that you girls pray for me. I need energy and a better attitude because I'm feeling so burnt out and snappy...I feel like I could explode at any moment.

Anyway, I miss you all so much!! I can't wait until we are reuinted...
Hope you are doing well!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hey Jen!

How did everything go? I sure have been thinking of you! Man, you have been taking some huge steps lately! I bet that is really overwhelming. I hope it's going okay. Please tell us (as much as you can :)) how it went! I would love to hear it. Are you still taking grad classes then?

Erin/Jen how are your new classes? Good students?

Mom life is going great. Samantha is learning how to throw fits though and that's not too fun. I really feel clueless through them. She arches her back and throws herself on the ground! But she's a great little girl. No--no second for a quite awhile. :)

My business is going well. I'm having a lot of fun doing it. I already have one client and a possible one on the way. I haven't even marketed or really networked yet. So I really feel that God has called me to this.

Prayer requests for me:

1. My mom is going in for some testing today--please pray it comes back negative.
2. We've had a lot of financial "unplanned events" lately. It really gets you down when it eats up your entire savings. I get overwhelmed with it lately so please pray that I KNOW that God will provide. (examples: dog sick, van got broke into and stole our GPS, I had a root canal and other cavities, laptop broke.) So it's overwhelming but then I just remember that God is putting clients at my feet just for these instances! It's time for me to get back to work!
3. That Dustin and I grow closer to the Lord. We tend to fall away so easily when things are going well. We've started to pray every morning together and read the bible every night. We just really want to learn more about God and not just be satisfied on where we are.

okay, enough from me. I would love to hear from you girls! I miss you guys!

--maybe we could plan some fun trip together sometime? Just short and sweet? Wouldn't that be fun???